Parents should be aware that the Department of Education and Training has changed the receipting process for Parent Payments; please ensure you retain your receipt for future reference.
Dear Parents/carers,
Laburnum Primary School advises you of our Parent Payment arrangements for 2025.
Please find attached the schedule for Year 4. Please complete this form and return it to the school by 25 November 2024, so the school can order items needed for your child’s learning next year.
Each year, School Council determines the following year’s cash budget by considering teaching and learning programs and the key improvement areas in the School Strategic Plan.
Our outstanding academic results in English and Mathematics have been achieved through effective resourcing of these key learning areas. Laburnum Primary School makes every effort to keep Parent Payments affordable for all families.
Funding to meet the school’s budget comes from three sources:
The DE Student Resource Package meets salaries and most operational costs of running the school. It does not, however, meet all the cost of materials or the enriched learning programs that we offer. Although government schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum, the ongoing support of our families ensures that we can offer the best possible education and support for our students.
The school relies heavily upon voluntary parent financial contributions to meet the difference between funds from the Student Resource Package and our budgeted expenditure each year. Parent Contributions and local fundraising also allow us to fully fund the maintenance of, and improvements to, buildings and grounds, such as the Junior School playground redevelopment.
Financial Support for Families
Laburnum Primary School understands that some families may experience financial difficulty and offers a range of support options, including:
For a confidential discussion about accessing these supports, or if you would like to discuss alternative payment arrangements, contact: Sonya Edwards, Business Manager
Ph: 03 9898 5811 |Email:
NEW School Savings Bonus The School Saving Bonus is available for parents and carers of each Victorian government school student from Prep to Year 12 in 2025, for students enrolled in a school by 18 October 2024. Details about accessing the School Saving Bonus will be communicated via email as they become available.
Payment Methods
Refer to Fee Schedule on pages 3 & 4.
Refer to Refund Policy – Available on School Website
For further information on the Department’s Parent Payment Policy, please see a one-page overview attached, and on the school website.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Matthew Hall Dr Kim Dray
School Council President Principal
Please note: each Year Level has a different Contribution Schedule, so it is important to use the correct one for each child.
Contribution schedule – Year 4 2025
Please find below an itemised list of:
Laburnum Primary School also welcomes your Tax-Deductible Donation for 2025.
Please complete this form and return to the school by 25 November 2024, so the school can prepare for the 2025 school year accordingly.
Year 4 2025 Parent Payment Form (Click here for writable PDF)
[For families requiring translation, this Parent Payment form is also listed below]
FAMILY NAME: _______________________________________________
STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________________
Curriculum Contributions (previously ‘Essential Items’) - items and activities that students use, or participate in, to access the Curriculum | Amount | |
Year 4 classroom consumables, materials & equipment
$147.60 | |
Year 4 Online Subscriptions and learning programs
$42.71 | |
Year 4 ICT Devices The school provides technology experiences for students, additional technical support, Wi-Fi infrastructure, internet services, 2 and 3D printing, data projectors and ongoing staff development. Following parent feedback, the previous Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program was replaced with a cyclic school replacement program. This is supported by parent payment of ICT monies to save families having to buy and maintain their own devices. Ongoing replacement of classroom interactive screens is also supported through this payment.
Students use notebook computers with the Windows operating system, educational software, cameras, keyboarding and printing. A typing software subscription supports student digital participation, including with NAPLAN. Understandings around cyber safety and coding are extended. G Suite for Education is introduced and extra technical support provided. |
$92.34 | |
Swimming - Note please: “arrangements yet to be finalised’ | TBA | |
Other Contributions – previously for non-curriculum items and activities | Amount | |
Additional Programs - School Council asks parents to make this contribution to support the school’s provision of some programs including school presentations, concerts and maintenance of our school environment, which are not covered by other funding (e.g. fixed sports equipment, playgrounds, sports fields, landscaping). | $90.00 | |
PE Equipment - Sports equipment for use in classroom and breaks (including but not limited to) sporting balls, racquets, nets, bats. This is kept in each classroom, separate to the P.E. program equipment. | $4.50 | |
Student Wellbeing programs - e.g. Life Education, Interrelate | TBA | |
First Aid Equipment - Includes provision of supplies, e.g. band aids, school EpiPens, first aid kits, defibrillator supplies, generic Ventolin & spacers. | $5.00 | |
School Grounds (Maintenance and Improvements) - for regular maintenance of school grounds & to meet safety standards, including annual inspections. The Government provides some funding to address urgent works & essential items. Any shortfalls are met by locally raised funds. Families are encouraged to contribute, especially as Working Bees have become unviable. | $65.00 | |
Other optional excursions/incursions - yet to be scheduled | TBA, each term | |
Tax-deductible contributions | ||
Building fund - A tax-deductible contribution to support renovations, upgrades, and maintenance of school infrastructure. This work is not part of the $8.755 million rebuilding program.
The building fund levy can only be spent on new capital expenditure and maintenance of buildings and building fixtures. Your contribution enables us to meet essential, short-term needs and costly upgrades to our school buildings, (suggested $135.00). |
$.......... | |
Total Amount | $ |
Education Items for students to own:
LPS offers families the Stationery Starter Pack (above), so that all students have the same essential items needed for learning.
If your family chooses to purchase your child’s Stationery Pack elsewhere, please contact the office for a list of these essential items. As other Curriculum Consumables and Specialist Supplies are purchased in bulk by the school, these items are separately listed for payment above in the Curriculum Contributions section.
Extra-Curricular Items and Activities - Previously ‘Optional Items’
Laburnum Primary School offers a range of items and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students and are above and beyond what the school provides in order to deliver the Curriculum. These are provided on a user-pays basis.
The cost of extra-curricular items and activities will be advised throughout the year.
Extra-Curricular Items and Activities | Amount | Purchase |
School photos | TBA | |
Optional Instrumental Music Tuition | TBA (via tutor) | |
Total Extra-Curricular Items and Activities | $ |
Category | |
Curriculum Contributions – previously ‘Essential Items’ | $ |
Other Contributions – previously ‘Voluntary Contributions’ | $ |
Extra-Curricular Items and Activities | $ |
Please indicate your Parent Payment arrangements on the table below and return this to the school by 25 November 2024.
Please indicate your preferred method of payment: Tick
Option A (full amount by 25 November 2024) Option B (half payment by 25 Nov 2024 & balance 10 Feb 2025) Option C (other payment arrangements)* |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
* If selecting Option C please make an appointment with the school’s Business Manager, Sonya Edwards.
Please include family name in the description & email your completed Contribution Schedule form (pages 3, 4, 5 & 6) to the Office at
Payment methods:
BPay (prefered method) | BPay details, these can be found on your school statement or please contact the school office by email or phone 9898 5811. Please email your completed Contribution Schedule forms (pages 3, 4 & 5) to |
Cash |
Brought to school office. Please include or email your completed Contribution Schedule form (pages 3, 4 & 5) to |
EFTPOS | Available at the school office. Please bring your completed Contribution Schedule form (pages 3, 4, 5 & 6) |
Credit Card |
Complete credit card slip below or contact school office on 9898 5811. Please include family name in the description & email your completed Contribution Schedule form (pages 3, 4, 5 & 6) to the Office at |
Expiry Date: ____ /____ CVC: __ __ __ Date: _______________
CONTACT NUMBER: ______________________
Cardholder Name: ________________________________________________________________________
© Copyright Laburnum Primary School