Learning in the Senior School at Laburnum continues to follow the Victorian Curriculum Framework, with oportunities that are engaging, challenging and develop independent thinking. Year levels work collaboratively within Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), where teachers use student assessments to inform their teaching practices, and ensure individual needs are met.
Our wellbeing focus is aimed at developing happy, thriving individuals. Through teaching structured programs, such as Respectful Relationships, our students are supported to develop problem solving skills and proactive strategies for managing challenges. Within the Restorative Practices framework, senior students recognise that their choices and actions can impact others.
Years 5 and 6 students at Laburnum have opportunities to participate in, and contribute to, the school and wider community. The Senior School leadership program encourages every student to develop skills that will have a positive impact on others around them. Year 5 students are given the opportunity to help younger students as peer mediators. Year 6 students fulfil numerous captain and leadership roles that develop school culture and community.
The opportunities that students have throughout their time in the Senior School at Laburnum Primary School help prepare them for the transition to secondary schooling.
For an overview of our approach to teaching and learning, see Curriculum Framework: Teaching and Learning (2022)
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