These are updated in Term 1 each year.
Performing Arts
The Performing Arts Captains play a significant role in promoting the Arts in the school community including performance groups such as choir, school orchestra and dance.
Students who have been learning a brass, woodwind or percussion instrument for at least 12 months can join the Laburnum Orchestra. Being a member of the orchestra provides students with the opportunity to interact and work with students across the school and be part of a team.
Laburnum Primary School’s Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 Choirs rehearse weekly, learning about singing skills and focusing on a variety of pieces to perform at assemblies and public events.
Orchestra and Choir operating days/times are TBC.
Art Club
Run by our Art Captains, Art Club provides an opportunity for students to follow up individual art projects, enter competitions and work with like minded students from other classes. Students from Prep, Year 1, 2 and 4 are invited on even weeks and Years 3, 5 and 6 on odd weeks. Art Clubs operating days/times are TBC.
Spanish Club
Spanish Club welcomes students in Prep-Year 6. Joined by our Spanish Captains, students have an opportunity to learn vocabulary through music, craft, books, games and role plays. It’s a great way to extend learning beyond the classroom and develop friendships! Spanish Club operating days/times are TBC.
Joggers Club
Joggers Club operates twice a week from 11am - 11.20am. Students from Years 1 - 6 can run, walk or jog laps of the athletics track. This year the program will be supervised by the House Captains. Joggers Club operating days/times are TBC.
Chess Club
The Chess Club at Laburnum P.S. is run by “Chess Ideas”. There is always a free trial session at the beginning of each term. The children are instructed in two small groups, where a new skill or strategy is introduced, followed by a game and is supervised at all times by a teacher from the school. Please contact the office for further information.
Junior School Council
The Junior School Council provides students with an avenue for 'student voice' and contributing positively to their school community. It allows students the opportunity to experience leadership at Laburnum Primary School and consists of two student representatives from each class in Years 1 to 6. Through active involvement, the Junior School Council encourages student participation within the decision making processes for fundraising, presentations, school events, charity focuses and school recommendations.
Sustainability Captains work with other interested students across the school in the kitchen garden at lunch times. The students enjoy the hands on experience involved in cleaning up the kitchen garden, re-soiling, pulling out weeds, planting new seeds and watching and taking care of the produce. Students involved enjoy growing produce and also thinking of ways our school can be environmentally friendly.
Term 1 - Senior (Year 5 & 6)
Term 2 - Middle (Year 3 & 4)
Term 3 - Junior (Year 1 & 2)
Term 4 - Open (Years 1 - 6)
Our library is open every morning from 8.45am-8.57am. This is a great opportunity to return and borrow books or share a story. Our friendly Year 6 Library captains are always on hand to assist you.
We are also open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime from 11-11.30am. Students can read quietly, share a book or choose an activity including craft, chess, puzzles, construction blocks and board games.
Digimaker Computer Programming Club
This program provides students with exposure to the fundamentals of computer science concepts. Organised by an external provider who is also an LPS parent, students can sign up for each term’s program, which is advertised in our newsletter.
Summer Interschool Sports
Year 6 students will be competing in the summer interschool sports during Term 2 this year. They will be choosing from basketball, cricket, tennis, volleystars and softcrosse.
Winter Interschool Sports
Year 6 students will be competing in the winter interschool sports during Term 2. They will be choosing from soccer, netball, AFL, and teeball.
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