SWPBS at Laburnum Primary School
At Laburnum Primary School, we work to create an inclusive, positive and supportive environment through implementing the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework. This is an evidence-based, tiered system of support that focuses on prevention and proactive processes towards expected behaviours through explicit teaching.
Benefits of SWPBS include:
Positive behaviour, just as any other aspect of our lives, is something that is taught and developed.
Since implementing the SWPBS framework, staff have had professional development in understanding student behaviour, and developed consistent approaches. Through these educative processes, we aim to create a consistent and predictable environment that supports students in making positive behaviour choices.
Together, the staff and students of LPS collaborated to develop a Positive Behaviour matrix of agreed expectations and behaviours across all areas of the school that align with our school values. These behaviours are explicitly taught within all classrooms using the ‘Tell, Show, Practise’ instructional model.
Ready to Learn
At the beginning of every school year, all classes spend the first two weeks of term working on the Ready to Learn program. The focus of this program is to help all students to settle into their new classes. Students and teachers spend time building new relationships, learning class routines and developing an understanding of the expected behaviours.
Ready to Learn is a designated ‘technology free zone’ in classes – instead students and teachers engage in a range of games, collaborative class activities and individual student/teacher conferences.
Ready to Learn is revisited during the first week of each subsequent term, as a proactive way to support students settle back into school after the holiday break.
Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships (4Rs)
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) learning materials cover eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across all levels of primary and secondary education. This is a Victorian Education Department resource, based on research and developed by a team from the Youth Research Centre, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne.
Topics covered include:
Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping, Problem Solving, Stress Management, Help Seeking, Gender and Identity and Positive Gender Relations
All year levels follow this program, taught during our Wellbeing program every week.
Restorative Practice
Staff are trained in the Restorative Practice model. This approach uses a consistent model to support students to resolve conflict. Students can speak and be heard and through a positive conversation; staff are able to help students to restore their relationships.
This approach focuses on students developing responsibility and reflecting upon how their actions impact others. The Restorative Practice model also underpins the work that our Year 5 Peer Mediators undertake in the playground.
Peer Mediation
Each year, a group of Year 5 students are selected to undertake Peer Mediation training. This is a full day learning opportunity for students, helping them to build communication skills and understand how to use a restorative approach to solving problems.
Peer Mediators work in pairs in the Junior play areas during lunchtime to help support their younger peers to solve problems.
Student Awards
Each week, one student in each class receives a Student Award for demonstrating any of the school values of Respect, Integrity, Resilience or Curiosity. Student awards are presented to students at Year Level or School Assemblies.
Play Therapy
Did you know that Laburnum was the first Australian school to include Play Therapy as one of our Wellbeing supports?
Play therapy is a therapeutic way of connecting with a child to help process emotional issues or concerns. Various toys are used, such as puppets, arts and craft resources, a sand tray and therapeutic games and books. Playing is a natural way for children to express themselves, so children often use play therapy sessions to communicate with toys what they may have difficulty saying in words. Play therapy can help children to explore and make sense of feelings.
A play therapist is a trained mental health professional, skilled in using play to help children work through emotions and systematically address challenging issues in a safe and playful environment. The outcomes of play therapy are different for each child – it can help children to become less anxious, enable them to be less reactive and support the development of more positive social relationships.
Play Therapy is offered at Laburnum Primary School for students who are selected by their teacher or school leadership.
Social Skills Groups
Social skills are verbal and non-verbal communication skills used every day to interact and communicate with others. Social skills help children develop and maintain positive interactions with others, most of which are vital in developing and sustaining friendships.
Social skills groups are small groups, typically consisting of about two to eight children, led by a facilitator. The focus of the group is to help children learn how to interact appropriately with others of their age. Children will learn how to communicate, develop new friendships, acquire problem-solving skills, learn emotion regulation skills and further their knowledge of social cues.
Social Skills groups are offered at Laburnum Primary School for students who are selected by their teacher or school leadership.
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