Acceptable Use of Technologies Agreement, including CYBER-SAFETY AT LABURNUM PRIMARY SCHOOL:
Click here for a writable pdf version of this form. Once completed, please return to your child's teacher/s via Sentral.
Dear Parent/Carer,
The measures to ensure the cyber-safety of students at our school are based on our core values of Curiosity, Respect, Integrity and Resilience. The Acceptable Use Agreement includes information about your obligations, responsibilities, and the nature of possible consequences associated with cyber-safety breaches that undermine the safety of the school environment. We use DET guidelines for this Agreement.
School profile statement
At Laburnum Primary School, we support the rights of all members of the school community to be provided with, and engage in, a safe, inclusive and supportive learning environment. This extends to the use of digital tools and online communities and is underpinned by our expectation of safe and responsible behaviour of all members of the school community.
Our computer network, internet access facilities, computers and other Information Communication Technology (ICT) equipment/devices bring great benefits to the teaching and learning programs at Laburnum Primary School and to the effective operation of the school. Our ICT equipment is provided for educational purposes, appropriate to this environment, whether it is owned or rented either partially or wholly by the school, and used on or off the site.
At our school we:
Material sent and received using the school network may be monitored and filtering and/or monitoring software will be used to restrict access to certain sites and data, including inappropriate content. We understand that primary school children can accidentally access, share or interact inappropriately and we will work with you and your child to rectify any difficulties as they arise, using the relevant well-being guidelines. Your support is, as always, key to working towards solutions in these challenging situations. In the rare case where a student is suspected of an electronic crime (‘e-crime’), this may be reported to the Victoria Police. Where a personal electronic device such as a mobile phone is used to capture images or video of a crime, such as an assault or invasion of privacy, the device will be confiscated and handed to the police.
Additionally, as per the Privacy Collection Statement, our school may use online tools and cloud technologies, including apps and other software, to effectively collect and manage information about your child for teaching and learning purposes (including assessment), parent communication and engagement; student administration; and school management purposes. When our school uses these online tools, we take steps to ensure that your child’s information is secure. If you have any concerns about the use of these online tools, please contact us.
Thank you for your ongoing support of your child’s learning, in particular through these fantastic learning technologies.
Kim Dray
Our school values the privacy of every individual and is committed to protecting all personal information we collect. In Victoria, the primary law that outlines privacy requirements is the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and Health Records Act 2001 (Vic). This law sets out what the school must do when it collects, uses, handles and destroys personal information.
Important terms:
‘Cyber-safety’ refers to the safe use of the internet and ICT equipment/devices, including mobile phones.
‘Cyber bullying’ is bullying which uses e-technology as a means of victimising others. It is the use of an internet service or mobile technologies - such as e-mail, chat room discussion groups, instant messaging, webpages or SMS (text messaging) - with the intention of harming another person.
‘School ICT’ refers to the school’s computer network, internet access facilities, computers, and other Information Communication Technology equipment/devices as outlined below.
‘ICT equipment/devices’ includes computers (such as desktops, laptops, PDAs), storage devices (such as USB and flash memory devices, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, iPods, MP3 players), cameras (such as video and digital cameras and webcams), all types of mobile phones, gaming consoles, video and audio players/receivers (such as portable CD and DVD players), and any other, similar, technologies.
‘Inappropriate material’ means material that deals with matters such as sex, cruelty or violence in a manner that is likely to be injurious to children or incompatible with a school environment.
‘E-crime’ occurs when computers or other electronic communication equipment/devices (e.g. Internet, mobile phones) are used to commit an offence, are targeted in an offence, or act as storage devices in an offence.
Parents/caregivers play a critical role in developing knowledge, understanding and ethics around their child’s safety and safe practices regardless of the time of day or location, at home, at school or in public places.
We expect cyber-safety and invite you to discuss the following agreements with your child to help you and your child stay safe when using Digital Technologies at school or at home.
Whilst this Agreement covers the DET guidelines, and teachers use this Agreement as a basis for discussion in the classroom, they do modify the content of these discussions to ensure it is appropriate to the age of students.
Safe and responsible behaviour
When I use digital technologies and the internet I communicate respectfully by:
When I use digital technologies and the internet I protect personal information by:
When I use digital technologies and the internet, I respect myself and others by thinking about what I share online. This means I:
When I use digital technologies and the internet, I respect all school equipment/devices/infrastructure by:
At school, we/I have:
I will use this knowledge at school and everywhere I use digital technologies and the internet.
This Acceptable Use Agreement applies when digital technologies and the internet are being used at school, during school excursions, camps and extracurricular activities, and at home. It includes (but is not limited to):
PARENTS: After reading the Acceptable Use of Technologies agreement,
please complete and return this page ONLY to school before Meet the Teacher (in late February).
Parents can access and read the full Agreement under the Curriculum tab (Technologies) on our website.
Student section (for Years 2 - 6 students to sign themselves. Prep and Year 1 students only need a Parent, not student, signature):
I understand, and agree to follow, the school guidelines for safe and responsible behaviour when using technologies. I understand that I am responsible for my behaviour when communicating with others.
Student 1 Name _____________________________________________________________
Student 1 Signature __________________________________________________________
Year Level __________________________ Date ___/____/____
Student 2 Name _____________________________________________________________
Student 2 Signature __________________________________________________________
Year Level __________________________ Date ___/____/____
Student 3 Name _____________________________________________________________
Student 3 Signature __________________________________________________________
Year Level __________________________ Date ___/____/____
[Please add any other children to the back of this page]
To the Parent/Caregiver/Legal Guardian:
I have read and discussed the Acceptable Use of Technologies Agreement with my child/ren. I understand that my child needs to comply with the expected behaviours set out within this Agreement, and that there are school-based actions and consequences for inappropriate behaviours.
I understand that Laburnum Primary School will:
My responsibilities include:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________
Date: ___/___/___
Updated January 2025
© Copyright Laburnum Primary School