Along with English, Mathematics and our Specialist Areas, Science and Inquiry complete our teaching and learning program, based on the Victorian Curriculum. This mandated curriculm sets out what every student should learn during their first 11 years of schooling to become lifelong learners, confident individuals and active and informed citizens.
Science is a valued focus at Laburnum Primary School and is taught at every year level throughout the year. Our well-resourced and functional STEM room, The Laburnum Laboratory (The Lab), is available and scheduled for classes to use. This school-funded resource allows multiple classes to work together on tasks in a large space that is the equivalent of seven classrooms.
Inquiry is our umbrella term for the remaining curriculum areas that need to be covered once every two years. These include Humanities (History, Geography, Economics and Business, Civics and Citizenship), Technologies (Digital Technologies, Design and Technologies), and the four capabilities, as seen in the overview diagram above.
Our teachers implement a detailed inquiry curriculum that maps the Victorian Curriculum thoroughly over a two year cycle across the school. Taught within the subschools of Prep, Junior, Middle and Senior Schools, our students learn and explore within a structure of eight inquiry-based concepts of Community, Sustainability, Social Justice, Creativity, Identity, Change, Discovery and Connections.
For an overview of our approach to teaching and learning, see Curriculum Framework: Teaching and Learning (2022)
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